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Creation and Specialized Management of Facebook Ads Accounts with One Year of Support

Creation and Specialized Management of Facebook Ads Accounts with One Year of Support



Enter the World of Digital Advertising with Our Professional Facebook Ads Account Creation and Management Service!

Unlock the full potential of Facebook's advertising opportunities with our comprehensive service. We ensure that you maximize the impact of your digital campaigns.

Facebook Ads Account Creation and Management

Our experts will create your Facebook Ads account, leveraging their deep knowledge of the platform. We manage your account and campaigns to ensure they align with best practices and your specific business goals. Through continuous monitoring, we make necessary adjustments to optimize ad performance, providing you with detailed reports and actionable insights about your campaigns.

Advanced Targeting

Facebook Ads offers a variety of targeting options that allow you to reach your audience with precision. We utilize these options to direct your ads to the right audience, based on criteria such as location, age, gender, interests, and behavior.

News Feed and Sidebar Ads

Your ads will appear in the most visible locations on Facebook, including the news feed and sidebar. We create engaging and persuasive ads that seamlessly integrate with the content users see in their feeds.

Stories and Marketplace Ads

We leverage advertising opportunities available in Facebook Stories and Marketplace. These placements provide additional visibility for your ads and allow you to connect with Facebook users in diverse and effective ways.

Cross-Platform Advertising

With Facebook Ads, you can also advertise on Instagram, enabling you to reach an even larger audience. We ensure that your ads are optimized for both platforms.

Facebook Pixel Installation and Monitoring

A crucial component of our service is the installation and monitoring of the Facebook Pixel. This powerful tool tracks user actions on your website after they click on your ad. It helps us better understand user behavior, adjust your campaigns accordingly, and ensure your ads reach the people most likely to take the desired action.

Lead Capture Management

We specialize in lead capture management. Using Facebook lead ads, we collect contact information from those interested in your business, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers. This strategy helps you expand your lead base, facilitates direct communication with potential customers, and increases your chances of conversions.

One-Year Specialized Support and Follow-Up

Additionally, our package includes specialized support for a full year. During this period, we will be available to provide assistance, answer any questions, resolve potential issues, and make strategic adjustments as necessary. Our goal is your success – we are ready to help you achieve it with our Facebook Ads management service!

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Nosso serviço inclui a configuração inicial da sua conta Facebook Ads, criação de campanhas publicitárias personalizadas, segmentação de público-alvo, design de anúncios, otimização contínua das campanhas para maximizar resultados e monitoramento regular do desempenho. Além disso, oferecemos suporte contínuo para ajustar as campanhas conforme necessário e responder a quaisquer dúvidas.

O suporte é fornecido por nossa equipe de especialistas em Facebook Ads, que estão disponíveis para responder perguntas, resolver problemas e fornecer orientações sobre como melhorar suas campanhas. O suporte pode ser acessado via e-mail, telefone ou chat durante nosso horário de atendimento.

Utilizar nosso serviço permite que sua empresa tenha campanhas publicitárias otimizadas por profissionais, aumentando a eficácia e o retorno sobre o investimento. Além disso, o suporte especializado garante que qualquer problema ou dúvida seja rapidamente resolvido, permitindo que você se concentre em outras áreas do seu negócio.

Monitoramos suas campanhas regularmente, analisando métricas de desempenho como cliques, impressões, taxa de conversão e custo por aquisição. Com base nesses dados, fazemos ajustes nas campanhas para melhorar os resultados, garantindo que seu orçamento seja utilizado de forma eficiente.